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Our Mission

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The Office of Education Abroad supports international opportunities that encourage our students to:

  • Pursue academic endeavors that strengthen critical thinking and cultivate an appreciation for life-long learning and a curiosity about the world
  • Practice real-world problem solving through living and studying in an unfamiliar environment.
  • Develop confidence, an increased sense of personal identity, flexibility, empathy and creativity.
  • Strengthen cross-cultural communication and language skills by engaging with local communities
  • Gain exposure to the way professionals interact in a global work environment
  • Learn how to work with people, communities, and organizations from varied cultural perspectives to create positive change on a local and global level


OEA Staff

As international educators, the staff of the Office of Education Abroad promises to:

  • Act in such a way that students鈥 best interests are represented in our advising, programming, and support services.
  • Seek to further students鈥 academic goals and address those needs that stem from more holistic--personal, developmental, social concerns.
  • Operate in a way that is consistent with the mission of an Augustinian university, which 鈥渆ncourages an understanding and appreciation of the diversity of cultures and experiences鈥 and the development of an international perspective.鈥
  • Underscore individual advising with the premise that all students that study overseas will still graduate on time, given that they successfully complete all approved courses.
  • Serve as an academic resource during all aspects of the overseas educational experience: before, during, and after the sojourn.
  • Provide the most up-to-date information available on programs, health and safety matters, and cross-cultural issues.
  • Create, promote, or suggest programs offering students the most immersion in the local host culture, and avoid those programs that treat students merely as customers or academic tourists.
  • Remember that the primary constituent for this Office is always the students, not parents, overseas colleagues, or personal contacts.

OEA Participants

As applicants to and participants in an overseas education program, students will:

  • Behave in a way that makes them not only exemplary representatives of 无码专区, but also highly regarded ambassadors for the United States of America.
  • Articulate their desire to study overseas in terms of a skill that they want to develop, one that is based on academic, personal, or professional goals.
  • Remember that the privilege of studying abroad remains couched in academic parameters. 鈥淪tudy abroad is an extension of, not a break from, the 无码专区 education.鈥
  • Understand that as adults, they are ultimately responsible for their own choices, personal safety, and experience.
  • Keep in mind two important aspects of Augustinian pedagogy: that 鈥渆xperience鈥 does not necessarily mean 鈥渒nowledge鈥 and that learning is an active, not a passive, process. These beliefs imply that in order to truly learn about a host culture, it is not enough to be merely a spectator, but rather to become engaged in that culture.

Why Study Abroad?

  • Develop confidence, a strengthened sense of personal identity, flexibility & creativity.
  • Practice real-world problem solving through living and studying in an unfamiliar environment.
  • Gain exposure to the way professionals in your field may view the subject matter differently.
  • Strengthen cross-cultural skills and understand how to work with people, companies and organizations from other countries and cultures.