

students sitting in lab

VSB Peer Tutors support the academic success of their undergraduate classmates by providing one-on-one tutoring appointments throughout the semester. The role of the VSB Peer tutor is to facilitate the student鈥檚 independent learning process through a collaborative partnership that focuses on increased understanding of course content and exploration of successful strategies in approaching the material. The VSB Peer Tutor Program is a free service open to all VSB undergraduate students.


Individual tutoring appointments are available for the select VSB courses listed below. Students enrolled in these courses may schedule up to, but no more than 2 hours per week of tutoring for each course. VSB tutoring services will be operating in a hybrid format in the Spring 2024 semester 鈥 students will be able to schedule online or in-person appointments. For online appointments, you can expect your tutoring session to be conducted on a virtual platform such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, GoBoard, etc. Please follow the steps below to schedule a 30- or 60-minute appointment with a VSB tutor:

  1. Access and create an account to log in
  2. Once logged in, please select the 鈥淰SB Peer Tutors SP24鈥 schedule under the 鈥淪chedules鈥 drop-down.
  3. To view the entire tutoring calendar, click on the 鈥渧iew the calendar display鈥 (or update your 'system preferences' to default to the calendar display) at the bottom of the page. If you prefer to use the 鈥淔ind an Appointment鈥 form view, follow the directions below and skip steps 4-5.

    Select a preferred appointment date, time, course code, and meeting type. Then select the 鈥榝ind appointments鈥 button. Select the appointment that matches your requirements and click 鈥榬eserve鈥. Please know that if you use this method, you risk scheduling with a tutor who does not cover the course you need. As a result, your appointment may be canceled on short notice with limited rescheduling options.

  4. Scheduling via the tutoring calendar: Select the course for which you need tutoring in the 鈥淟imit To鈥 drop-down box. This is a critical step in the scheduling process. Please know that if you do not complete this step, you risk scheduling with a tutor who does not cover the course you need. As a result, your appointment may be canceled on short notice with limited rescheduling options.
  5. You will see the availability for the VSB tutors of that course. Hover over the tutor name to see their tutoring modality (online or face-to-face/in-person). Select the open box(es) of time (in white) to schedule your appointment; each box represents 30 minutes. Once you select a box, you can edit the end time of the session to make the meeting 60 minutes, if desired.
    • Select VSB tutors are available to conduct tutoring sessions in languages other than English (Spanish,鈥 Punjabi, etc.). If applicable, you will see those languages listed next to the tutor鈥檚 name on the WCOnline schedule. At this time, this is available for select VSB courses only. 
  6. Once scheduled, you will receive an email confirmation with further information regarding your meeting.
    • If you scheduled a virtual meeting, your tutor will email you the meeting link or comment in the 鈥淲hat would you like to work on?鈥 section of your appointment sign-up form; find this by clicking the box representing your appointment on the VSB schedule.
  7. Before your appointment, please review the 鈥淨uick Tips for a Successful Tutoring Experience鈥 section below.

All VSB tutoring services will be available Monday, January 22 to Tuesday, May 2 (last day of class). Tutoring appointments are not available during Finals Week.



  • ACC 2310 Intermediate Accounting I
  • ACC 2320 Intermediate Accounting II
  • VSB 2004 Financial Accounting - in addition to individual tutoring sessions, tutors hold open Office Hours before each exam; more details here.
  • VSB 2008 Business Analytics
  • VSB 2009 Principles of Finance
  • VSB 2014 Managerial Accounting
  • ECO 1001 Introduction to Microeconomics
  • ECO 1002 Introduction to Macroeconomics




  • Identify the specific content area for which you need assistance
  • Work on the problems/assignments before the office hour or individual tutoring session
  • Bring assignments, books, laptop and any other materials you will need
  • Turn off your phone during the session
  • Develop an action plan for goals to complete between tutoring sessions

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Program Managers: Emily McMordie and Rebecca Leifer

For any questions about the WCOnline scheduling system, please contact the Tutor Coordinator at tutoring-coordinator@villanova.edu.

VSB Peer Tutors are student leaders with excellent academic records and are invested in helping their peers. These tutors are recruited through a selective application process and go through comprehensive, bi-annual training. Students who work with VSB Peer Tutors report improvement in their preparedness, comprehension and confidence as they approach their coursework. 

The Clay Center at VSB/ O鈥橠onnell Center for Professional Development
Bartley 1054
The Clay Center Team/O鈥橠onnell Center Team

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


The Clay Center offers comprehensive information to help you know what is needed to pursue your degree at VSB.

AP and IB Credits for Class of 2028

AP and IB Credits for Class of 2027

AP and IB Credits for Class of 2026

AP and IB Credits for Class of 2025